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Blog Posts

Can An AI Help Me Plan My Retirement? Thumbnail

Can An AI Help Me Plan My Retirement?

This blog will talk about the use cases and limitations of AI with regard to financial planning and emphasize the fact that human financial advisors are still far superior to AI.

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Empower Your Children with Financial Literacy Skills Thumbnail

Empower Your Children with Financial Literacy Skills

This blog post emphasizes the importance of promoting financial literacy, especially among the younger generation, citing studies that reveal a lack of financial discussions among parents and the significance of starting early in teaching children about money. It calls for collaboration with individuals and organizations passionate about financial education to share insights and strategies for fostering financial literacy.

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How Much Do I Need to Retire? Thumbnail

How Much Do I Need to Retire?

This blog post delves into the complexities of retirement planning, challenging the oversimplified notion of a single retirement "number" and instead advocating for a comprehensive strategy that considers various factors like savings vehicles, healthcare costs, and legacy goals. It suggests a nuanced approach to asset withdrawal, prioritizing tax-efficient strategies while stressing the importance of seeking personalized advice from financial professionals to navigate the intricacies of retirement planning effectively.

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